
Noel Leaver

Published:   2021
Pages:   192
Condition:   New
Genre:   Modelling



Advanced Modelling in N Gauge by Noel Leaver. Many aspects of railway modelling are the same whatever scale you choose, but N Gauge has particular benefits: namely, that there is more space for scenery, longer trains and extensive fiddle yards. This leads to specific challenges in the design and layout to ensure a realistic-looking model.

Assuming some familiarity with the basics of N Gauge, this book provides guidance and instruction to extend and develop modelling skills to produce a layout that is scenically impressive: planning baseboards, integrating scenery with the backscene, and keeping everything in harmony.

With over 250 colour photographs, it includes constructing baseboards and scenery; how to make models of real buildings; using different systems for moving vehicles and controlling them; building, painting and finishing rolling stock from kits and, finally, what is needed to make a successful exhibition layout and how to perform demonstrations.