
Michael Vanns
Publication Date: 2013
Format & Edition: Hardback, Second Edition
Pagination: 96 Pages, Illustrated
Condition: New
Genre: Great Western Railway (GWR)
Status: In Stock


Severn Valley Railway A View from the Past by Michael Vanns. In the 21st Century the Severn Valley Railway is a heritage line running steam and diesel trains between Bridgnorth and Kidderminster. Originally this section of line was part of a railway opened in 1862 between Shrewsbury and Hartlebury, just north of Worcester, with an extension from Bewdley to Kidderminster opened in 1878.
Accompanied by a fascinating selection of original photographs, this book provides a brief history of these lines until they closed to passengers in 1963 and 1970 respectively.

Promotion and Construction
The Route
Decline and Closure