Bob Yate

Publication Date:

Format & Edition:   Paperback, First Edition
Pagination:   176 Pages, Illustrated
Condition:   New

Genre:   London & North Western Railway (LNWR)

Status:   In Stock


The Grand Junction Railway: Stafford to Birmingham by Bob Yate. The Grand Junction Railway was initially designed to provide the most direct route for passengers, but in doing so ignored the convenience of those wishing to join at the major towns en route, such as Wolverhampton and Walsall. As a reflection of these early pioneering days, stations were provided where the line met established stage coach routes. Gradually new lines were added along the GJR route and as freight traffic grew, the GJR became of great significance, with the development of industry across the region.

This volume examines the creation of this important railway, its progress for passengers and freight throughout more than 170 years, and its role today. The architectural features, many now long gone, are discussed, as well as the social and economic effects of the railway.


Creating the Grand Junction Railway
Opening and the Early Years
Passenger Services from 1846
Goods Traffic
Lines not Built
Description of the Line
Further Connections at Wolverhampton
Soho Loop
Aston Lines
Birmingham Termini
Locomotive Sheds