Andrew & Richard White

Publication Date:

Format & Edition:   Paperback
Pagination:   91 Pages, 30 Illustrations
Condition:   New

Genre:   LNER

Status:   In Stock


The Whitby and Pickering Railway Horse Drawn Era 1833-1847 by Andrew and Richard White.

There were two schools of thought on which direction the railway should run from Whitby. Some were in favour of a line running up the Esk Valley to join the Stockton and Darlington Railway. Others in Whitby were championing a different route, to Pickering. George Stephenson was called in to report on the relative merits of the two schemes. He clearly favoured the Pickering route.

The decision was made to apply to Parliament to build the railway at an estimated cost of £80,000. It was clear at the planning stage the people behind the Whitby and Pickering Railway saw it as a low-cost system using horses as the motive power.

This book examines the horse-drawn era from 1833 to 1847. It delves into the history and birth of the line, the construction, the first directors of the railway company, the track, coaches and wagons, the operation and timetables and surviving structures and artefacts.

Includes more than thirty images.